
Final Project Report

Team members: 


  1. Aimee Putri Hartono – 2301910322
  2. Christy Natalia Jusman – 2301890365
  3. Jocelyn Thiojaya – 2301900454

Endangered is a platformer game made using the Construct 2 game development software. The mission of this game is to rescue the endangered animals and bring them to safety. There will be 4 levels in this game. Each level has different animals and difficulties. 

To control the player, press the left / right key to move the player, press up key to jump, and press space key to attack the enemies and cut down vines.

Find the weapon, defeat the enemies on the screen while collecting as many gems as possible. When the player defeats an enemy, they will receive 2 gems.

The player must also find 3 keys in order to unlock each cage and rescue the animals, which will follow the player as soon as they are released. 

The player must guide the animal to the exit, before advancing to the next level.

The gem indicates your score. 

My contributions:

  1. Creating a design for level 2,3 and 4

I made the design for those of 3 levels. when I created each level’s design, I don’t want to create the same pattern of design. I want to create it as creative as I can. I think, people will easily get bored if they play the same pattern of design. In this game, each level has its own difficulty. Then, I have to try and play each level and make sure is it able to play or not.

  • Creating score and heart system

For this part, I did this part from the tutorial on the youtube. 

  • Creating the menu, about and help page

While creating the menu page, I have to consider the position of each button. The button must be clear enough to see by the user and the consistency of the position so users won’t get confused.  

  • Making the Help and about button 

Because I don’t have photoshop, so I was using the online photo editor to create this. The important thing is the consistency of the icon color. For the icon button, I use the white color. 

Items created by ourselves:

  1. Player sprites
  2. Enemy sprites (leak, bats)
  3. Animal sprites (tiger, badak, deer, orangutan)
  4. Button for about and help

Items created by others (sources) :

1. – Background 1

2. – background 2

3. – Savanna

4. – tileset 1

5. – savannah tileset

6.×2160-18.html – background 3

7.- home page

8. – vines 

9. – select level background

10. – scroll pictures

11. – Tutorial pack

12. Background music: TheFatRat – Afterlife

13. Background music : Jumanji

Personal Reflections:

When I did a research about the animals that are on endangered list, I feel like I haven’t seen them before. For example: Bawean Deer. Before this, i only know Spotted Deer. It is sad to know that bawean deer wild population is not much anymore. They all died due to poaching or maybe they lost their habitats. As a young generation, I hope people to stop poaching and start to love and protect animals so the next generation will be able to see them.

Youtube link for the videos :

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Proposal Construct 2 Games

In the semester 2, we’re going to create a game using Construct 2. My teammates for this project is Aimee and Jocelyn. The topic for the game is about save the endangered animals in Indonesia. We know that Indonesia has more than 300.000 species of unique animals. However, some of them are on the endangered species list due to illegal poaching. Some of them died due to hunting and lost their habitats.

On this game, we’re going to create a platformer game. In a platformer game, the users have to control the character. Character must jump and climb between suspended platforms while avoiding obstacles. The orientation of the game is horizontal so it will be easier for user to explore the game. On this game, users have to save and find the animals. There will be an obstacle for it. Before that, users have to find out where the keys are located. After the user found the keys, then they can save the animals. Each animal has a different points based on their population in Indonesia. 

The purpose of creating a game with animal’s topic is to persuade people to stop illegal poaching to animals and start to preserve the animals. People nowadays, don’t know about the animal that is endangered. People only know about animal species that only exists in the zoo.  Because of that, we want people to learn more about animals that are on the endangered species list. 

Source :

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